Occupational Work Experience OCED 090 | General Work Experience OCED 091 | Occupational Soft Skills OCED 070 | Occupational Portfolio Development OCED 071 |
Job related to Declared Major | Job not related to Major | No employment required | No employment required |
Earn 1-6 units per semester. | Earn 1-4 units per semester | 1.5 units | 1.5 units |
Student may take up to 16 units total over multiple semesters* | Student may take up to 16 units total over multiple semesters* | Not repeatable. Not available to students who previously completed OCED 101. | Not repeatable. |
Full semester, 12 week and 8 week sections available online *NOTE: Online sections require a one time in-person orientation. Please re-arrange your schedule accordingly as this in person meeting is mandatory. See schedule of classes for dates and times. | 8 week online sections only | 8 week online sections only |
1 unit = 75 hours paid work per semester | | |
1 unit = 60 hours unpaid internship or volunteer work per semester | | |
Currently employed (paid or unpaid) for a licensed business in the public or private sector. | | |